All nations recognised by the Commonwealth Games Federation are eligible to enter the Commonwealth Lifesaving Championships. Each Nation may enter one National Team and one Development Team into this pool and simulated emergency response championships held every two years.
National Team Eligibility:
- Be a citizen or subject of an eligible Commonwealth nation.
- Be qualified lifesavers in good standing with their national lifesaving organisation and hold an RLSS Bronze Medallion Award or equivalent.
- Be a minimum of 16 years of age on or before December 31st in the year that the Championships are to be held.
Development Team Eligibility:
- An athlete must not now, or ever have been, a member of an Open National Team at any Commonwealth or ILS international sanctioned events.
- An athlete may have been a member of a National Youth Team.
- Athletes may be selected multiple times to a development team.
Lifesaving World Championships
The International Life Saving Federation organizes Lifesaving World Championships in pool, ocean, beach, and simulated emergency response competitions every two years for National Teams, Youth National Teams, Masters, and Interclub athletes.
The 2024 Lifesaving World Championships (LWC 2024) will be held August 20 to September 8, 2024 in the Gold Coast, Australia.
Information for LWC 2024 is on the event website.
Read the Athlete Selection Criteria here