If you are a Grade 3 teacher and your students are participating in the Swim to Survive School Grant Program, you are in the right place. We are thrilled to provide you with all the tools you need to deliver Water Smart drowning prevention education to your students and important information for parents about Swim to Survive.
There are three aspects to the Lifesaving Society's Swim to Survive program:
- Three in-water lessons - 1 hour each in length
- Three in-classroom curriculum-based lessons
- Parent education about Swim to Survive
We expect that you will teach the three in-classroom lessons. For lesson plans and other resources, please contact the Lifesaving Society Public Education Coordinator.
Classroom Curriculum-Based Lesson Timeline
Week 1
Parent/Guardian information and permission
- Copy and send home the “Dear parent/guardian” letter about the program (available in 9 languages online).
- Send home your school board’s Field Trip form to get parent/guardian permission.
Program information for students
Week 2
In-class Lesson #1 – “Be Water Smart”
Week 3
In-class Lesson #2 – “Act right on or near ice”
- Display the poster linked below “recommended minimum ice thickness for new clear hard ice” (1 provided) and hand out cards for students to take home (35 provided).
Week 4–6
Parent/Guardian communication
- Send home parent/guardian handouts “Can your child survive an unexpected fall into deep water?” (35 individual copies provided. Available in nine additional languages online).
In-water lessons #1–3
- Students learn the three essential skills needed to survive an unexpected fall into deep water (roll tread and swim 50 metres) from a certified instructor (approximately one hour per session).
Week 7
In-class Lesson #3 – “Live Water Smart” and Summative Task
Parent/Guardian communication
Teacher Evaluations of the Program
Additional Classroom Teacher Resources
Swim to Survive Video - click here to watch
Parent Communications (information to send home to parents):
Parent Letters
Ice Thickness Poster (PDF)
Classroom Teacher Survey
Student Survey