The Supervision Evaluation and Enhancement (SEE) Auditor course is designed to give individuals the knowledge, training and tools required to evaluate the effectiveness of lifeguard and instructor safety supervision using Lifesaving Society SEE checklists.
Prerequisite: National Lifeguard certification and 100 hours lifeguarding experience as a lifeguard or National Lifeguard Examiner or Aquatic Supervisor or Aquatic Manager.
Instruction & certification: Current SEE Auditor Instructors teach and certify candidates.
Candidate recognition: Certification card.
Required reference material: SEE Auditor Workbook and forms. (Note that some affiliates provide materials to candidates, and some require candidates to purchase materials on their own. Double check before you purchase.)
Instructional format: SEE Auditor may be delivered through in-person, blended or online learning.
Instructional time (4 hr.): Actual time needed may vary depending on course format, number of candidates and the learning activities selected. Breaks require additional time. Based on 12-16 candidates.

Required equipment: For in-person delivery - classroom supplies such as tables, chairs, flip charts, markers, masking tape, A/V equipment, SEE evaluation forms. For online delivery - computer screen with camera and audio set up required. Consideration should be given to the use of multiple screens to support delivery of the program.
Recertification: SEE Auditor remains current for 24 months from date of certification. SEE Auditor is recertified by successfully completing a SEE Auditor recertification course.
Fees: The Lifesaving Society exam fee applies to successful and unsuccessful candidates alike.